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Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 20:43:57 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #163
Info-Mac Digest Tue, 17 Aug 93 Volume 11 : Issue 163
Today's Topics:
[*] /source/c/tcl-terminalpane-10.sit
[*] About 1.0.1
[*] Cliff 1.3
[*] games - Rescue 1.5.1
[*] hyper-biorhythm
[*] jchar-30.hqx
[*] jcode-30.hqx
[*] jconv-30.hqx
[*] LastStartupv1.0.sit.hqx
[*] Newton: Minitools.sit
[*] Peanuts-Icons-11.hqx
[*] Pentominoes 1.2.1 (board game)
[*] Programs-for-Chemistry.cpt.hqx
[*] public-utilities-demo.hqx
[*] Sound Submission:: Coolies.cpt.hqx
[*] Sound Submission::ThinkTreeSounds.cpt.hqx (2 msgs)
[*] TidBITS#189/16-Aug-93
[*] Timecode Calculator v2.0
(A) Writing AppleScripts
.WriteNow-->Ethernet-->KXP4450 (Q)
040 Cache Control (Answers?)
68EC030 available
7.1 and IIci's.
[Q]: SE/30 Screen Problem
A decent text editor
Answer-MacWrite Pro defaults
Asante FriendlyNet Adapter
bad sectors and disc images, academically speaking (Q) (fwd)
BeHierarchic 2.0
Bug with new Powerbook Control Panel 7.1.2
comment on speech manager demo
DeskPaint and DeskDraw
Disconnecting idle Sys7 Sha
Disk Compression (c)
FAX/modem to an ISDN phone? (A)
Files from PUCC (A)
Help - LC 520 versus LC III versus ???
Info-Mac Digest V11 #162
LATEX to Word 5.1 for Mac ?
locking down LC IIIs
MacWrite Pro default ? (A)
math co-proc
millidays = Julian dates
Monitoring Laser output on nets
MS Word Multiple Dictionaries (Q)
OCR Software for Sharp JX320 Scanner (Q)
On-Line art
PowerPC and 68040!!!
Power Point printing problem
QT -> PICT Sequence
Quirky Mac behavior: Follow up
SCSI CD-ROM drives for both PC and Mac
StyleWrite II Driver
Symantec C++
Tech Tool (Well maybe not)
ThoughtPattern 2.0 - List of Supporters
Translator for MacWrite Pro (XTND or Word?)
Wildcard rename (R)
Writing AppleScripts (A)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 14:34:08 -0600
From: Eric Scouten <scouten@staff.tc.umn.edu>
Subject: [*] /source/c/tcl-terminalpane-10.sit
The enclosed file is a source code snippet for Think C 6.0 and TCL. It
provides a basic 24*80 terminal display for use in terminal-style programs.
Handles basic display functions, but does not provide advanced terminal
emulation (i.e. does not include VT100).
Freeware. Copyright (C) 1993, Eric Scouten, FrostByte/Design.
Thanks for including it...
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/tcl-terminalpane-10.hqx; 13K]
Date: 17 Aug 1993 14:29:11 -0500
From: "Michael Hecht" <michael_hecht@mac.sas.com>
Subject: [*] About 1.0.1
[*] About 1.0.1
Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions you've sent me regarding About.
Version 1.0.1 fixes several bugs, adds a few minor enhancements, works much
nicer with At Ease, and tries to be a better international citizen. Look for a
Japanese version of About coming soon to wherever fine software is archived!
August 15, 1993
When I first saw the System 7 Finder's "About This Macintosh" display, I
thought it looked really cool. Then I tried to make it DO something, like
switch me to an application when I clicked its icon. I was somewhat
disappointed when nothing happened. I was even more disappointed to find I
couldn't make the display appear automatically when I started up the Mac! So,
out of frustration, I decided to write my own version.
The result is About, a process monitor. Its appearance is an unabashed
of the Finder's display; but unlike that display, you can actually use About
interact with your processes and get information on them. A little arrow
appears next to the current process. Clicking an icon switches you to its
process, and option-clicking an icon hides or shows that process, just like
Hide and Show commands in the application menu. You can customize the display
in many ways--use large icons if you prefer, or arrange the processes by their
location in memory to reveal the "holes" in your address space.
Other commands allow you to monitor background-only processes, view CPU load,
create an "icon palette" of your favorite applications, find a running
application's location on disk, and force other processes to quit. About can
also maintain a log of application activity.
And as an extra added bonus for the Internet community, About warns you if you
have more than 8 MB of physical RAM installed, but haven't enabled 32-bit
About is FREE.
May 30, 1993
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/about-101.hqx; 83K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 23:40:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [*] Cliff 1.3
*** Cliff 1.3 ***
Cliff is a Macintosh application that iterates Dr. Cliff Pickover's dynamical
system and plots the resulting co-ordinate pairs:
Initial condition: x = 0.1 ; y = 0.1
Parameter range: (-3 < a,b < 3), (0.5 < c,d < 1.5)
do for 1 to n
xx = sin(y*b) + c*sin(x*b) ;
yy = sin(x*a) + d*sin(y*a) ;
x = xx; y = yy;
PlotDotAt (x,y)
Requires 32bit QuickDraw or System 7 (for monochrome Macs). Freeware.
John B. Matthews (jmatthews@desire.wright.edu)
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/cliff-13.hqx; 39K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 11:03:02 -0800
From: cmccollu@cln.etc.bc.ca (Cliff McCollum)
Subject: [*] games - Rescue 1.5.1
I'm uploading this for a friend who doesn't have InterNet
Rescue! v1.5.1 is the latest version of the real-time, multi-
window Star Trek action game written by Tom Spreen and based
in The Next Generation universe. The Romulans have launched a
surprise attack! Your mission is to save several Federation
Outposts from annihilation by a Romulan invasion fleet
equipped with the dreaded cloaking device! This version now
includes COLOR, Wormholes, and the infamous 'Q'!
Requires System 7. Shareware $10.
Cliff McCollum. cmccollu@ra.uvic.ca
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/rescue-151.hqx; 534K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 01:56:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [*] hyper-biorhythm
If you remember Disco, you'll remember Biorhythms.
This color HyperCard stack charts your emotional,
mental, and physical ability to face another day
of the Clinton administration. It even plays a
few notes of Gershwin. (Hey, it's August. What
else was there to do?)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/biorhythms-hc.hqx; 17K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 16:00:27 PDT
From: lunde@mv.us.adobe.com (Ken Lunde)
Subject: [*] jchar-30.hqx
Archive as: util/jchar-30.hqx
JChar 3.0
This Macintosh application is a general-purpose Japanese character
set generation tool. It comes with a minimal Macintosh interface --
this was done for the sake of portability between platforms.
The interface consists of radio buttons for redirecting the input
and output (much like what you find in UNIX environments) and a
command-line. To get a listing of the command-line options and
defaults, type in "-h" on the command-line. You can redirect the
output to a file or printer for future reference.
The source code should also be included in this distribution.
Ken Lunde (lunde@mv.us.adobe.com)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/jchar-30.hqx; 49K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 16:00:28 PDT
From: lunde@mv.us.adobe.com (Ken Lunde)
Subject: [*] jcode-30.hqx
Archive as: util/jcode-30.hqx
JCode 3.0
This Macintosh application is a general-purpose Japanese code
inspection tool. It comes with a minimal Macintosh interface --
this was done for the sake of portability between platforms.
The interface consists of radio buttons for redirecting the input
and output (much like what you find in UNIX environments) and a
command-line. To get a listing of the command-line options and
defaults, type in "-h" on the command-line. You can redirect the
output to a file or printer for future reference.
The source code should also be included in this distribution.
Ken Lunde (lunde@mv.us.adobe.com)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/jcode-30.hqx; 37K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 16:00:29 PDT
From: lunde@mv.us.adobe.com (Ken Lunde)
Subject: [*] jconv-30.hqx
Archive as: util/jconv-30.hqx
JConv 3.0
This Macintosh application is a general-purpose Japanese code
conversion tool. It comes with a minimal Macintosh interface --
this was done for the sake of portability between platforms.
The interface consists of radio buttons for redirecting the input
and output (much like what you find in UNIX environments) and a
command-line. To get a listing of the command-line options and
defaults, type in "-h" on the command-line. You can redirect the
output to a file or printer for future reference.
The source code should also be included in this distribution.
Ken Lunde (lunde@mv.us.adobe.com)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/jconv-30.hqx; 40K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 11:58:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: aeze bell <strider@halcyon.com>
Subject: [*] LastStartupv1.0.sit.hqx
Last Startup v1.0
(c) aaron bell {Sardine Software}
Last Startup is a small utility who's purpose is to serve as a simple
watchdog. Every startup the program will put up a window telling you the
time of your computer's last restart. This can be handy on communicating
to you if an unauthorized individual accessed your Mac at some time when
you weren't around, whether it be your office's janitor at midnight or a
snoopy arch enemy during lunchtime.
++ strider@halcyon.com --
[Archived as /info-mac/app/last-startup-10.hqx; 5K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 13:19:44 -0400
From: "Robert Bruce" <robbruce@bnnrc-srv.med.jhu.edu>
Subject: [*] Newton: Minitools.sit
Enclosed is a copy of an Stuffit 1.5.1 archive of MiniTool.sit
Two Newton programs which allow the user to:
1. Memory Massager
The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in your Newton's
memory. In theory, such a garbage collection should get rid of all the dross
hanging around, and you may find that this staves off the need to restart from
time to time (when using version 1.02 of the Newton OS).
2. NewtonScript Runner
This is a slightly modified version of one of the demos provided with the
Toolkit. NewtonScript, which is the language used to program Newton systems,
can be compiled and run on the fly, and this little utility allows you to do
just this. You will hardly develop the next killer app on your Newton this
(!), but it does for instance allow you to work out sines etc.
Copied shamelessly from the Readme.
NewtonScript Runner can allow you to compute sin, cos type functions which is
really nice. Apparently it can also screw things up if you don't know what you
are doing. Backup your stuff.
Once again requires you to use the Connection Kit, or Developers kit to send
programs to the Newton.
check out comp.sys.pen for newton talk until we get comp.sys.newton up.
Attn. Moderator,
I have enclosed these files using popmail 2.0.9 and don't exactly how that
works. Please check out the files and let me know if they don't look like
stuffit 1.5.1 archives.
Robert Bruce
[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/mini-tool.hqx; 16K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 23:01:14 -0400
From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
Subject: [*] Peanuts-Icons-11.hqx
An update already? Yup.
No new characters, but I did include black and white icons, since someone
reminded me that there are still a lot of SEs and Pluses out there.
* kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/penuts-icons-11.hqx; 42K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 01:02:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: f8dy@netaxs.com
Subject: [*] Pentominoes 1.2.1 (board game)
Pentominoes is a board game where you must fit 12 pieces (of five squares
each) into a variety of boards with no pieces overlapping. A great
geometric puzzler that goes back 40 years or more!
Pentominoes 1.2 was mostly a technical revision of 1.1. Cosmetic features
included a remove-piece feature (just doubleclick on any piece on the board
to remove it so you can reuse it somewhere else), save/save-as options for
saving games, and improved look-and-feel (as per Human Interface Guidelines).
Technical improvements included a standard preferences file, a more secure
self-integrity checker, and support for System 7 file structures.
Pentominoes 1.2.1 fixes several bugs which surfaced in Pentominoes 1.2,
mostly dealing with removing pieces and loading saved games.
System 6 and 7 compatible; supports B/W, grayscale, and color monitors;
includes sounds. Sounds work under system 6, but may require 6.0.7.
This game is free; there is no shareware fee. You may redistribute it
as long as no fee is charged for it, with the exception of nominal disk
copying fees to cover costs. For the latest version of Pentominoes or any
other program by the same author, send e-mail to f8dy@netaxs.com, with a
subject line "Pentominoes request" or "Program list request".
Pentominoes 1.2.1 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/pentaminoes-121.hqx; 202K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 17:51:40 EDT
From: Paul Reed <reedp@horus.cem.msu.edu>
Subject: [*] Programs-for-Chemistry.cpt.hqx
This demonstration program contains sample pages from a set of eight
educational modules (four tutorials and four quizzes) on Chemical
Bonding. The subjects treated are Lewis Structures, VSEPR, Hybridization
of Atomic Orbitals, and Crystal Structure.
The modules have been designed to complement the teaching of introductory
chemistry either in high school or in college.
Requires Mac IIx or better, 3MB free RAM, 13-inch or larger color
[Archived as /info-mac/app/programs-for-chemistry-demo.hqx; 3188K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 09:45:07 -0700
From: friedman@netcom.com (Greg Friedman)
Subject: [*] public-utilities-demo.hqx
Public Utilities for the Macintosh Demo
Fifth Generation Systems' "Public Utilities for the Macintosh"
is the most powerful and complete disk repair package available.
This special version demonstrates all of Public Utilities'
diagnostic abilities, but will not fix problems that it finds.
Public Utilities Features
+ Fixes many problems that Norton and other disk-repair programs
+ Worry-free disk optimization; safe even during a system crash
or power failure.
+ Prevention: a control panel that scans your disks during idle
time and alerst you to problems before they cause data loss.
+ Tracking and recovery of deleted files. Even lets you recover
files after optimizing!
+ 24 hour toll-free technical support.
Special Competitive Upgrade
See the Read Me enclosed in this package for information on a
special, low-cost competitive upgrade offer.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/public-utilities-demo.hqx; 749K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 22:04:25 -0400
From: "Adam P. Conn" <catfood@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: [*] Sound Submission:: Coolies.cpt.hqx
Enclosed please find my offering to the gods of Umich, to be placed
in the sound section. These sounds are from "Doug!", the skinhead rock
opera by the Coolies, available on db Records (DB 88)
For maximum enjoyment, play really loud! :)
Adam Conn
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/coolies-doug.hqx; 209K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 22:11:09 -0400
From: "Adam P. Conn" <catfood@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: [*] Sound Submission::ThinkTreeSounds.cpt.hqx
Hi, me again. Please tell me if this puppy got through my demon-daemon.
Thanks! :)
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 22:09:51 -0400
From: "Adam P. Conn" <catfood@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: [*] Sound Submission :: ThinkTreeSounds.cpt.hqx
Please place my gift to the Umich gods in the sound directory. This is a
short smattering of smaples from Think Tree's 1992 Caroline Records release
called "Like the Idea". Some of the samples are from the incidental tracks
in between songs.
Worshipping the things that go moo!
--Adam Conn
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/think-trees-like-the-idea.hqx; 293K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 21:24:05 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*] TidBITS#189/16-Aug-93
This week we have information about free software that makes
LaserWriter Pros snooze, more on mysterious Duo shutdowns,
unfortunate news about attaching an AudioVision monitor to a
Quadra 840AV, additional details on the Prodigy gateway, more
on PageMaker 5.0 with a clarification of last week's mention,
news about a possible bug with overtraining the MessagePad's
handwriting recognition, and the start of a multi-part,
technical look at the Newton.
Empowering Your Duo II or How Dumb Can I Be?
PageMaker 5.0, Finally
Using the Newton MessagePad
[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-189.etx; 29K]
(Don't expect prompt responses for several weeks until I finish the book.)
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 02:46:24 -0700
From: vpbca1@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu (Andrew Coven)
Subject: [*] Timecode Calculator v2.0
The Timecode Calculator is a small application that fits perfectly inside
your Apple Menu Items folder. Place it right next to all your other
favorite calculators.
The calculator is perfect for videographers, audio enthusiasts, and anyone
else who has needed to add together series of times. Help is available
in the program by pulling up the About box.
Version 2.0 supports multiple frames-per-second on both input and output
times, including NTSC drop frame, PAL, and 24 frames-per-second film.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/timecode-calculator-20.hqx; 46K]
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:37:15 -0500
From: alfred!vicstoy!n1mnb.oau.org!brad@osceola.cs.ucf.edu (Brad Ackerman)
Subject: (A) Writing AppleScripts
>> "For information about using AppleScript language
>> to create useful scripts, see the AppleScript
>> Language Guide"
>AppleScript is not yet available to the general public. The 1.0 release
>through APDA is aimed at developers who are writing scriptable
>applications, not at users who wish to write AppleScripts. The $20 runtime
>is for developers who do not want to licence AppleScript and would rather
>tell their users to buy the $20 disk themselves. That's why it's so cheap.
> No docs.
>There is a user release on the way. Apple just thought it would be more
>useful to users if developers had a chance to make scriptable applications
>first. You know how people are.
>I do not have information about when the user release will be though.
Forget APDA--the extension is included in the book "The Tao of AppleScript"
by Derrick Schneider, published by Hayden Books.
Brad Ackerman
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 15:42 EDT
From: ncoast!tdi3!dieter@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu
Subject: .WriteNow-->Ethernet-->KXP4450 (Q)
Hi Netters & Ethernet specialists....
this may be a FAQ to you but it's a problem to me:
Have: MacSE (4 MRAM) with ASANTE board and 4.0 driver -->
Intercon TCP/Connect II --> Ethernet -->
UNIX (motorola) -->
AX-5 Ethernet Print Server -->
KXP4450 configured as HPLaserjet plus
Want to: Print WriteNow 3.0 documents and Excel 4.0 spreadsheet
on the a.m. Laserprinter
How to: ?????
Can anyone tell me how I can print those documents over
the Ethernet and the spooler (AX-5) and reset the
Laserprinter automatically back to the setting it had b4
starting the print job?
thanks in advance for you much appreciated help.....
note: at this time I have the choice to either print int'l documents on
the ImageWriter II with the quality you know.... or to copy it into
Wordperfect running on the UNIX machine, in which case I loose all
accents and special characters, and the print it on the laser printer. In
a nutshell: I have a choice between mediocre print quality with accents
or good print quality w/o accents.....
email: tdi3!dieter@ncoast.org
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 19:54:40 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: 040 Cache Control (Answers?)
A little while back I asked about the "approved" 040 cache control for
Leslye's new C650. Most folk said that Alysis's Compatibility Init was
the cat's meow. One person said I should check Impulse's Animals. The
Alysis product of the 2.2 stripe is available all over the InterNet, but
the newest version (3.2.1) is purely commercial. Like a hundred bucks. It
does, however, support all Apple's 040 machines. I ordered a copy, and
the fedex arrived today. Seems OK. The "Gunshy 1.2.1" game (We're talking
serious stuff here) killed the C650 upon winning a game. I made it known
to Compatibility Init. After seven games I finally won one (Leslye is
better than I am), and it didn't kill the machine. Seems like a well
spent hundred bucks to me. We're talking domestic tranquility here.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 01:01:45 EST
From: "Kirke B. Lawton" <LAWK%UORVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: 68EC030 available
I upgraded my Mobius accelerator's "crippled" CPU with the full-fledged
68030, so I have a 25Mhz 68EC030 lying around. I have no use for
it, so if you want it, contact me and we'll work out a way to send
it to you. I don't need any money for it, but I don't really want to
pay for postage. First come, first served. Remember, this is the MMU-less
version of the 68030. Heck, I can throw in some 256K simms while we're
at it.... (Anyone have 1 meg simms or big hard drives they are throwing
out? ;)
lawk@vm.cc.rochester.edu or kirke@aol.com
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 13:51:33 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: 7.1 and IIci's.
Is there anything weird I should know about to install 7.1 onto
a IIci? I used a IIvx installation disk; but on startup I get
an "unimplemented trap" as well as a misspelt message saying to
start up without extensions (which also does not work).
Help quick please.
Michael Everson
School of Architecture, UCD; Richview, Clonskeagh; Dublin 14; E/ire
Phone: +353 1 706-2745 Fax: +353 1 283-8908 Home: +353 1 478-2597
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 18:51:40 -0400
From: da480@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Qwing)
Subject: [Q]: SE/30 Screen Problem
The screen of my SE/30 won't light up when I turn it on -- the dimness
knob didn't help. Everything else -- hard disks, power supply,etc. -- seem
to be working though. Questions: what's wrong with my computer? I gather
that it's probably the analog broad (?) -- what part(s) in the analog broad is
causing the problem? can I replace this part(S)? where can I get it?
Any suggestion is really appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 13:24:18 -0600 (CDT)
From: Andrew Vernon <avernon1@ua1ix.ua.edu>
Subject: A decent text editor
On Sun, 15 Aug 1993 13:55:45 -0400
jbayes@occs.cs.oberlin.edu (Joseph Bayes) asked:
>Does anyone know af a decent text editor for use with the mac?
>Currently I use Teachtext, but the 32K limit on file length can be
>somewhat annoying at times. A word processor works too, but then you
>have to deal with text -> word processor conversions.
I've come to swear by BBEdit Lite (in /info-mac/text/bbedit-lite.hqx),
which is simply the best text-diddler I've come across. One of the cool
things about it is that it has grep matching, which I found invaluable in
putting together an index for a book quite recently. It also works with
your fave C or Pascal compiler and even includes Apple/Claris XTND for
converting word processor files to raw text. And, if you need something
studlier, you can upgrade to the commercial BBEdit 2.5 for a tiny bit.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 16:20 EST
Subject: Answer-MacWrite Pro defaults
Response to question from EDHOLZER@delphi.com:
To change the default font (or other default settings) in MacWrite
Pro, perform the following steps:
1. Open a new MacWrite Pro document
2. Select the desired default font (and other preferences)
3. Choose Save As from the File Menu
4. Select MacWrite Pro Options from the File Formats Box
directly above where the filename appears
5. Click the Save Button
When you select MacWrite Pro Options as the file format, the filename
automatically changes to MacWrite Pro Options and the destination of
the save automatically becomes the Claris Folder inside the System
Folder. All New MacWrite Pro documents will now open with the
defaults that were selected and saved in the MacWrite Pro Options.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 08:15:25 -0600
From: DAVE@GERGO.TAMU.EDU (Dave Martin)
Subject: Asante FriendlyNet Adapter
Been busy and only now made the time to send this in:
We recently purchased one of Asante's FriendlyNet Adapters (Thin) to connect
our LaserWriter IIg to the ethernet. Two days after being installed the IIg
started smoking (at least, I was told it was smoking--at the very least it
was producing odors related to something frying inside). The tech where I
sent it to be checked out decided that the I/O board was the problem (and,
since Apple doesn't let service centers do component-level repairs or even
component-level diagnostics, it will cost ~$500 for the replacement board
*when* Apple gets it in stock).
I called Asante and the engineer I spoke with had the same attitude as I did
about it--the adapter was probably *not* the cause of the trouble, though it
may have added to an existing--but before then silent--problem.
Does anyone disagree? Has anyone had any troubles with the Asante product?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 20:16:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: bad sectors and disc images, academically speaking (Q) (fwd)
Scenario: Suppose that Floppy A has a bad spot; a disc image of Floppy A is
made; that disc image is used to create Floppy B.
Question: Would Floppy B then have a (ghost) bad spot, too? What if the
spot were previously mapped out on Floppy A?
I would experiment, myself, but I don't have any floppies with known bad
spots (knock on wook :-)
Thanks for satisfying my curiousity.
<jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> _I want my 2-line sig. Vote 4 2-line sigs!_
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 09:56:15 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: BeHierarchic 2.0
On 15 Aug 93, David Shaw answered a BeHierarchic question:
>part of the problem could be that the latest version of Behierarchic
>is atl LEAST 2.0 (that's the version I have).
And it is copyright Kiwi Software. Version 1.0.5 is, I believe the last
shareware version. There is a copy of 2.0 at a Japanese ftp site, but
it should not be there. Or anywhere else for public access.
Besides 1.0.5 works fine under System 7.1.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 22:00:38 -0700
From: rdreyer@asparagus.berkeley.edu
Subject: Bug with new Powerbook Control Panel 7.1.2
I have a Powerbook 160 running System 7.1 and I recently installed
on it Hardware System Update 2.0. When I try to open the new Powerbook
Control Panel 7.1.2 for the first time after Startup, I constantly get
the following error message: "the Control Panel "Powerbook" could not
be open because there isn't enough memory available" (though there
is usually more than 9 MB available at the time). When I try to open
the Control Panel after that first time, everything seems to work
normally. I get this behaviour even with all extensions off. I also
have a Powerport Gold modem on my Powerbook.
Has anybody else encountered this problem?
Renaud Dreyer
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:29:32 -0500
From: PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
Subject: comment on speech manager demo
I am very glad that Alan Coopersmith submitted a c version of Mac
Speech Demo 0.1 in Info-Mac Digest Wed, 11 Aug 93 Volume 11 : Issue 160.
After a long time dealing with notation in my own Theoretical Physics
preparation to program, I decided to have the kid I big brother over to my
mac. For 4 1/2 hours we sat there and mumbled and speculated. He's a high
school gifted kid but had trouble with C and I wondered if I had forgotten
my course in object oriented pascal. We needed each other as we set up to
translate from c to pascal.
At about bedtime, it seemed almost done. I knew better about the
meaning of almost done, since I have really programmed rather than have
someone else do it for me. I sent him and his father home. Next phase was,
of course, for those of you in the know, compilation errors and then
ghastly execution editors with SADE. Finally, up til 4:30AM it talked and
crashed. My mistake.
Look forward to a talking object submission in the next month or so,
got to get back to my notation studies, this is too much fun. Of course,
if someone out there begs and pleads with me, I might work more immediately
on the object pascal object.
I'll let a few days go by and then submit the pascal translation code
segment, it might get a little cleaner by then. Evidentally, speaktext
procedure, as opposed to speakstring, allows you choice of voice, I liked
6 because it sounded the most like Arnold Schwartznegger.
I like to use macintalk to find out where I am when I crash my
programs. At times I find it more comfortable than sade and less
voluminous than installing sounds 1,2,3 etc. You might have observed that
Mac Speech Demo that Alan Coopersmith submitted was tiny even though it
produced enormous sounds. Observe alexander-reads.hqx; 521K sound file.
Get it?
When a mac can do action rather than storage to be a synth, it is a
completely different animal.
Well that's all I will show so far. Hope this helps!
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 17:57:54 PDT
From: doug@cam.paramax.com (Doug Hardie)
Subject: DeskPaint and DeskDraw
I just received in the mail an offer for both of those for $30. The
offer makes them seem great. However, I would like to find out if anyone
has actually used them since an old MacUser review was not all that
-- Doug
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 08:36:24 -0400
From: "Tom Scott" <Tom_Scott@qmengr.mail.cornell.edu>
Subject: Disconnecting idle Sys7 Sha
Disconnecting idle Sys7 Sharing users (A)
bakker@chem.vu.nl (Nico Bakker) asks:
>Does anyone know of an utility to disconnect idle users who have logged in
>into a System 7 Mac with File Sharing on? I would like to disconnect them
>after some 15 minutes idle time to give others an opportunity to log in.
Nok Nok from Trik Software does exactly that. It's also supposed to log the
users that are connecting to your System 7 shared Mac (even as a guest), but
doesn't do this very well. But it does let you set up connection time
intervals for registered users and for guest access for two different
categories: (1) maximum connect time, and (2) idle connect time. So you can
set up guest access to disconnect after 5 minutes idle time (no activity from
the mouse or keyboard on the remote Mac that connects to your machine) and 15
minutes total connect time. For registered users (that you set up through
Users and Groups), you could set up for 5 minutes idle time and 30 minutes
total connect time. You get the idea how flexible this could be.
It's wonderful for me, because I have a Public folder that I have guest access
enabled for, where any number of my 80+ users could and do connect at various
times. Some of my users mistakenly check the "Auto-connect" check box, which
means the Public Folder comes up on their desktop every time they boot. But,
after 5 minutes, they get automatically disconnected. They are prompted with
warning messages at the 2-minute and 1-minute marks and then again when the
connection has been terminated. I then get complaints about these error
messages, and I know who has been auto-connecting. I remove this check and
train them what this means and why they shouldn't do it for the Public
You can contact Trik at 1-800-766-0356 or 1-617-933-8810. Their address is
W. Cummings Park, Suite 2350, Woburn, MA 01801. Hope this helps! :-)
Thomas Scott, Systems Manager, College of Engineering
Cornell University, Carpenter Hall Annex, Ithaca, NY 14853
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 12:54:42 PST
From: HarriRehnberg@salient.com (Salient Software)
Subject: Disk Compression (c)
charlie.mingo@his.com (Charlie Mingo) writes:
Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu> writes:
> One caveat is that
> if an accessed file is AutoDoubled compressed and is open,
> and is in "write" mode, then AutoDoubler will create a temporary
> expanded copy. This can result in a slow write when one is
> quitting the file. It is slow because of the re-compressing
> of the expanded file. At least that is my understanding.
My understanding is that:
(i) if the file has not been altered since it was opened, AD will
just throw away the expanded copy, and keep the original
compressed version, and
AutoDoubler 1.0.x will create an expanded copy of any file opened with write
access. Once a save is made to the file it replaces the compressed copy
on the drive. The file is not compressed again until it meets the
set by you.
AutoDoubler 2.0.x will not expand a file until a save is made to it. That
is the reason the first save will take a little longer than if the file
were not compressed.
(ii) if the file has been altered, AD will save the expanded version
in place of the compressed version (this file copying may be what
you think is the recompressing). AD will recompress the file at
a later date (eg, after the specified time has elapsed).
I don't think AD ever makes you wait while it recompresses a file.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 13:44:22 -0500
From: PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
Subject: DMCS to MIDI (F)
F is for frustration.
I have been waiting for years for opcode to get the bugs out of their
Vision import of DMCS. Vision will export DMCS and midi. Get my drift?
It really used to be fun to jam with my DMCS files, it taught me a bit
of timing which I never had.
Opcode, are you listening? You got some terrific software, but I can't
play with it because of my sloppy timing. I need that baseline. Get with it.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:34:30 EDT
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: FAX/modem to an ISDN phone? (A)
Morris Birnbaum <mbirnbau@warren.med.harvard.edu> asks:
MB> I would like to get a FAX/modem for my Mac II, but my University
MB> uses an ISDN phone system. Is there any way I can hook up a
MB> FAX/modem to an ISDN phone? I only need to send FAXs, not receive.
Usually, you can not connect a fax modem to an ISDN phone. The ISDN
phone is all digital (the voice is digitized as soon as it enters the
Since Group III fax (the most common kind) is analog and ISDN is
digital, this is a problem. Group IV fax is digital and compatible
with ISDN, but I am not aware of any group IV fax boards for Macs (yet).
There are two possible solutions:
1. Have Harvard run an analog line to you for fax purposes. Several
buildings at West Virginia University are "all ISDN", but every
one has a few analog lines expressly for fax purposes.
2. Some ISDN terminal adapters have analog jacks on them. Vendors
such as OST, Teleos *may* sell Mac boards will analog jacks also.
A fax machine can be connected to the analog ports. If your Mac
is an internal Mac card, you would run an RJ-11 cable between the
two NuBus cards (fax cards and internal TA card) or to the standalone
The first method is the preferred method. It is cheaper and easier
to implement. The second is doable, but can be expensive.
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University ISDN Applications Lab
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 10:24:11 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Files from PUCC (A)
On Sun, 15 Aug, From: PL921281@PACEVM.DAC.PACE.EDU (odd name) said:
>I haven't been up to date on this discussion list so my question might
>be redundent but, I can't seem to retrieve files on the archive later than
>June or July...has the administrators added a new hard drive...I retrieve
>these files through the PUCC repository.
I've noticed the same problem with Princeton. The only fix I know about
is switching to Rice or ftp-ing if you can. Rice goes through a list
server, so the commands are a tad different:
PUCC: tell macserve at pucc dir all
Rice: tell listserv at ricevm1 $macarch index all
PUCC: tell macserve at pucc get file-name.hqq
Rice: tell listserv at ricevm1 $macarch get file-name.hqx
You non-bitnet folk can send MAIL to listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu, with
the first and only line being $MACARCH GET FILE-NAME.HQX or $MACARCH
INDEX ALL (to get a file list).
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 0:33:00 PDT
From: sgrady@sfu.ca
Subject: Help - LC 520 versus LC III versus ???
I know that there is a lot of advice available, and I need as much as
I can get.
I am considering upgrading my home system.
Currently I have: LC, 10 mb RAM :-), 40 mb hard drive 8-(,
StyleWriter, Logitech Scanman 32, Packard Bell PB2400Plus Modem (it
was free!) and an Apple 12 inch RGB monitor supporting 256 colours.
All except the modem were purchased in January 1992.
Software: System 7.1, Microsoft Word 5.1, PageMaker 4.2, MacDraw II,
ClarisWorks, SAM 3.5, NUM 2.0, FileMaker Pro (version 1), SoftAT 2.52,
Most of my use is desktop publishing. I do small documents (one to 80
pages in length) using either Word or PageMaker, with drawings and
scanned images. Some is sent to printers on disk, while the rest is
just done on LaserWriters at the university. I would like to get some
imaging software (I use PhotoShop 2.0 at the university as well as
Illustrator and FreeHand). I do use Excel from time to time for some
budgeting needed for work. FileMaker is used to look after a
membership list, as well as keeping track of staff and volunteers that
I am responsible for.
I quite often am transferring PC files via floppy from work to
complete them at home (at work they think its great that they just
picked up some used 286's and impact printers.)
The way I see it, I have three options.
Option one:
Install a new hard drive, upgrade to LC III, and purchase replacement
RAM. This would give me a '030 processor, 12 mb RAM, 240 mb hard drive
for about CAN$1500. I would have the 12 inch monitor still (more than
workable, but frustrating at times!)
Option two:
Purchase a LC 520 with 8 mb RAM, 160 mb hard drive. This would give me
a CD300 built into the machine (I want CD sometime soon!) Included in
the special bundle pricing is the StyleWriter II. Price for all this
is CAN$2481.62.
Option three:
Purchase a LC III with 8 mb RAM, 160 mb hard drive. Included in the
special bundle pricing is a 14 inch monitor (same as the built-in one
in the LC 520) and the StyleWriter II. Price for all this is
CAN$2160.75. I would also have to purchase a keyboard (Apple Keyboard
II for CAN$136.84 or Apple Extended Keyboard II for CAN$239.48.) This
would increase the price to CAN$2297.59 or CAN$2400.23.
For options two and three, I then would sell the LC, monitor, mouse
and keyboard and reduce my costs accordingly.
I am very, very limited by $$$ (an attractive advantage to options two
and three is the bundles come with financing). I am very interested in
getting the most bang for the buck. Bangs that will last as long as
possible (maybe twelve months? knock on wood!) Do I need to worry
about future expandability? or is that a red herring? Maybe I should
wait until something comes out with PowerPC? My wife does not
understand that I would want to upgrade after only eighteen months of
owning the computer. She feels that if I have to upgrade so soon, what
is the use of upgrading now, because I'll only have to do it later.
What is my best course of action? If nothing else, in September, I
will replace my hard drive.
Though I do read info-mac all the time, please email me direct, and I
will post a summery with credits.
Stephen Grady
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 10:57:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: FROHLIDJ%A1%UCMCIC@pmdf.uc.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #162
Hello all,
In the last issue the following note was posted :
>Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 08:36:12 -0400
>From: Gerald Edgar <edgar@math.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: Pasting sound into a silent QT movie -- quickly and cheaply?
>In MoviePlayer, when you hold down the Option key, then select the
>Edit menu, Paste becomes Add. This means what you paste in will
>occur simultaneously with what you have selcted in the movie.
>Hold down Shift and Option: Paste becomes Add Scaled: whatever you
>paste is scaled to take up the same amount of time as what you have
>Hold down Shift: Paste becomes Replace.
My question is fairly simple,
Where is this MoviePlayer archived? My archie requests have
been unsecessful.
Thanx, Dan
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 11:55:29 EDT
From: Jim McClellan <mcclella@gauss.eedsp.gatech.edu>
Subject: LATEX to Word 5.1 for Mac ?
Does a program exists to convert LATEX (or TEX) to
Word 5.1 for the Mac? I've seen RTF->TEX, but would
like to go the other way: could there be a TEX->RTF ?
.......thanks for any info....
........jim mcclellan <mcclella@eedsp.gatech.edu> (404)894-8325
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 21:49:12 -0800
From: root@physix.mta.ca (Stewart Walker)
Subject: locking down LC IIIs
>I just started installing a new class of Mac LC III's. However I only now
>discovered that Apple changed it's mind about the way we used to secure
>our old Mac SE's.
>It turns out one now needs 3 of the smaller cables that were previously
>used to secure the keyboard. However the standard kits only have 1 of these.
>Does anybody know of a good and cheap solution ?
I have done it to LCs three ways. Last is best ->
1) drill through the wide plastic foot on the bottom of the machine and put
a padlock through.
2) drill 2 holes just in fronty of the speaker and put install a U-clamp
that a lock can grip below.
3) Near the speaker there is a hole that is just wide enough to fit the
loop on a security cable (like for bikes, you may have to use pliers to
squeeze the loop a bit closed). Then the loop will pass inside the machine
and you can put a small padlock on the loop inside the machine. Make sure
your padlock can flop around and touch nay important electrical contacts!
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 18:42:35 EDT
From: sanjk@aol.com
Subject: MacBinary
Dear netters,
I downloaded a file over the net through WorldLink and looks like whatever
protocol was used stripped all the resources. I am unable to play (this file
was a movie) this file. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how i can
rebuild the resources or is there any way i can make this movie play.
Any thoughts on this are welcome.
P.S. Does anyone know where the new Software Utility upgrade by apple is
posted. I am having a very difficult time at ftp.apple.com, it hasn't
accepted anonymous logins for the past few days.
ANAM Enterprises
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 08:54:23 PDT
From: alanc@ocf.Berkeley.EDU (Alan Coopersmith)
Subject: MacWrite Pro default ? (A)
> Can some tell me please if it's possible to change
> the default font in MacWrite Pro permanently ? It's
> easy to switch for a single document but I can't find
> the secret switch for the overalldefault. Help please.
Create a blank document with the font you want set and all the other
settings that you want. Choose "Save as..." from the file menu, and
select "MacWrite Pro Options" from the file type pop-up menu.
For more details, see pgs. 10-3 & 10-5 in the MW Pro User's Guide.
-Alan Coopersmith
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 15:53:25 EDT
From: Clint Hyde -- Master of the ad hoc odd hack. <chyde@chesapeake.ads.com>
Subject: math co-proc
can I just drop a 68882 math chip into an old Mac II and have it
automagically get used by Excel? I've got one on a dead accellerator
-- clint chyde@ads.com
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 12:11:31 +1200
From: "matt n." <clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>
Subject: millidays = Julian dates
Mike Craymer wrote:
MC> If anyone is interested I can post the (simple)
MC> expressions to convert between Julian Dates and
MC> calandar dates.
If enough people seem *really* interested I will post a stack I have
written which converts any date/time anywhere in the world,
including BC, and even Roman or Egyptian dates, to / from a Julian
matt neuburg, phd = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 13:25:47 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Monitoring Laser output on nets
Has anyone got a piece of good software for use on an EtherTalk
net to which a laserprinter is attached, which allows the network
manager (me) can keep a record of the volume of printing carried
out by each logged-on user?
I know, this is The Frequently Asked Question From Hell.
Michael Everson
School of Architecture, UCD; Richview, Clonskeagh; Dublin 14; E/ire
Phone: +353 1 706-2745 Fax: +353 1 283-8908 Home: +353 1 478-2597
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 13:41:25 MEZ
From: David Steiner <DSTEINER@dosuni1.rz.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE>
Subject: MS Word Multiple Dictionaries (Q)
This is for all of you, like me, who choose to remain with MS Word despite
the unending efforts of our respected, net-colleagues who insist that there
is something bigger(smaller), more powerful(easier to use), etc. etc.
I have installed MS Word 5.1 on our machines here (English ver. for me and
German for my colleagues). The German version comes with an English
dictionary, thesarus, etc., in addition to the German. These installations
work fine. Unfortunately, the English version only has the English versions
of these files (apparently no English speaker in their right mind would need
anything else ;-)). I have copied the German versions of the dict., etc. to
the Word Commands folder along with those that came with the program.
Now, when I start Word, I get a series of dialog boxes that say:
"Spelling" and "Spelling-German" cannot
be used at the same time. "Spelling" is
currently being used.
Followed by one with "Thesarus" and "Thesaurus-German".
The file in use does not seem to have anything to do with what is chosen
in the Preferences, but, rather, with which name is first in alphabetical
order. (With the original names, i.e. Deutsche Wortebuch, the German is
the one that will be 'in use'.) After dismissing all of the boxes,
the dictionaries can be switched in the preferences and seem to function
(BTW the same thing happens when there are more than one toolbar files in
Word folder (such as the cool color toolbar from Sumex) but I have no problem
throwing the old one away.
As far as I can tell, there is no difference between the installation of the
files between the German machines and the English (other than the language
What have I missed? Is the English version incapable of using multiple
language dictionaries? Does the installation program do something different
besides just copy and decompress the files?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA.
David R. Steiner, Research Assoc., Remote Sensing & GIS
ISPA-Uni. Osnabrueck D-49364 Vechta, Germany
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:16:47 -0500
From: gustilo@pobox.upenn.edu
Subject: OCR Software for Sharp JX320 Scanner (Q)
can anyone recommend OCR software for this particular scanner? We can't
seem to find one that supports this model.
thanks in advance
Date: 17 Aug 1993 12:16:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: On-Line art
Does anyone know of an application that would convert a simple image
(in TIFF, PICT, BITMAP or some other common type) to 7-bit ASCII art?
You know, like typewriter art where you could type a portrait of Lincoln.
Or like this:
__ //
-\= \=\ //
-_==/ \/ //\/--
==/ /O O\==--
_ _ _ _ /_/ \ ] /--
/\ ( (- \ / ] ] ]==-
(\ _\_\_\-\__/ \ (,_,)--
(\_/ \ \-
\/ / ( ( \ ] /)
/ ( \ \_ \./ )
( \ \ ) \
( /\_ _ _ _ /---/ /\_ \
\ / \ / ____/ / \ \
( / ) / / /__ ) ( )
( ) / __/ '---` / /
\ / \ \ _/ /
] ] )_\_ /__\/
/_\ ]___\
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 10:00:51 CST
From: "Wade Williams" <williw1@mail.auburn.edu>
Subject: PowerPC and 68040!!!
There have been several statements made about the PowerPC emulation which
I believe to be incorrect.
Those incorrect statements are:
1) Byte reported that the PowerPC-based Mac will emulate a 68LC040,
therefore, it will.
2) The 68LC040 has an MMU and therefore, the PowerPC-based Mac will
emulate an MMU.
For those of you that are reading quickly, notice again that I believe the
above two statements are *incorrect*.
The last I have heard is that:
1) The PowerPC will emulate the **68020**. That means any non-floating
point instruction or MMU instruction for the 68000 or 68020 will work.
Now, here's the important point: Because of the speed of the PowerPC chip,
that 68020 emulation is said to be reaching 68040 speeds.
2) The PowerPC-based Mac will *not* emulate an MMU, whether it emulates
a chip with an MMU or not. Period. It will, however, support System 7
virtual memory. Naturally, native programs will have full access to the
PowerPC's MMU.
Those are the last statements I have heard and I heard them directly from a
member of the PowerPC team (though it's my paraphrasing).
Because something was written in Byte does not make it true. I'm not
certifying my information as unquestionable either, but it did come
directly from a member of the PowerPC team in a public conference.
If anyone from the PowerPC team would like to correct or add to any of
this information, please feel free. If you're an Apple employee and not a
member of the PowerPC team, please give the source of your information. As
an Apple employee, people will give credence to your statements even though
they might be water-cooler rumors.
Just trying to dispell rumors...
Wade Williams
Network Support Specialist, Auburn University
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:58:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: CHABINML@udavxb.oca.udayton.edu
Subject: Power Point printing problem
I was having some printing problems with PowerPoint and I thought
that someone may be able to give me some advice.
I am using PowerPoint 2.01 on a Mac SE with System 6.0.5 hooked up to
a HP LaserJet 4 Postscript II printer. The problem is this, when I
try to print a document all I get is the top left corner at 4 times the
normal size. I tried using a 25% reduction in Page Setup, but I get the
same quarter page reduced 25%. The picture is all in one layer and
printed out fine on a LaserWriter, but when the document is sent to the
HP I get the problem above. All I can think of is that the problem lies
in the HP being a PSII printer. Does anyone have any ideas?
Michael Chabinyc
U. of Dayton
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 10:38:48 GMT
From: marcus@westminster.ac.uk (Marcus Harvey)
Subject: QT -> PICT Sequence
There's various stuff around to turn a sequence of PICT files into a QT movie
but is there anything to do the opposite?
I know Permiere 2.0 allows editing of individual frames, but I don't have
to this software.
Anyone know of anything?
- marcus@uk.ac.wmin
P.S Thanks to whoever uploaded the PhotoShop 2.5.1 updater, I was sick of
off my 8*24 GC card everytime I used PhotoShop 2.5!
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 10:26:16 -0400
From: Harold.Star@cc.gettysburg.edu
Subject: Quirky Mac behavior: Follow up
A few days ago, I wrote:
>My SE/30 (System 7.0.1, tuned up appropriately, 8 megs RAM) "hangs"
>whenever I try to hold the shift key down on startup, i.e. whenever I try
>to launch without extensions. I have similar problems when I try to hold
>the Command-Option keys down at startup, i.e. when I try to rebuild the
>desktop. In the latter case, I can only rebuild the desktop by holding the
>Command-Options keys down after Disinfectant and Now Startup Manager have
Following the suggestion of one respondent, I installed an absolutely clean
(i.e. non-Apple-extension free) system on my external hard drive, booted
>From that as the startup disk, and then tried to reboot with the shift key
down. As always happens, my system again hung after displaying the
"extensions off" startup screen. I conclude from this that my problem is
hardware related.
About the only special hardware associated with my setup is a Mobius FPD.
The Mobius card is using the processor-direct slot. Could this be causing
my problem?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 11:09:08 -0500
From: simionat@unive.it
Subject: SCSI CD-ROM drives for both PC and Mac
I'm considering buying a CD-ROM drive to be connected to both my PC running
OS/2 and my PowerBook. Also, if hardware is not a problem with SCSI drives,
how about software? Are there any standards widely supported on both
Please reply DIRECTLY to me, I'm not on this list. Thanks.
Marco Simionato
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 13:06:23 EDT
From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.sunysb.edu>
Subject: StyleWrite II Driver
I downloaded what promises to be a useful hack that would allow me to
use the superior StyleWriter II driver for my old StyleWriter. Problem
is, I can't seem to find anyone with a copy of the SW II driver! The
local educational Apple help folks meticulously copied 4 800K disks
worth of installation script (I told them I only wanted the driver but
they don't do it that way) and when I got home I found that I had a new
copy of StyleWriter I software instead. The computer store folks around
here would be glad to give me a copy as soon as I buy the StyleWriter II
>From them. And so on.
Would someone be so kind as to lend me a driver?
- Allan Hunter
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 17:12:40 +0200
From: Karl.Pottie@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)
Subject: Symantec C++
Could anybody save the comp.sys.mac.programmers threads which deal with the
bugs in Symantec C++ to a file and post the stuff to the info-mac archives
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 17:59:01 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Tech Tool (Well maybe not)
Ah heck! I was really hoping that I could have partially compensated for
my recent rantings with a nice plug for MicroMat's freebie Tech Tool.
No luck. Tech Tool works dandy on my office machine. I got a note this
ayem saying that at least one user wasn't as pleased. Tech Tool left all
his icons generic. It did the same thing to all three home Macs -- IIci,
DayStar-goosed II, C650 -- this afternoon.
After Tech Tool wiped the desktop files on those machines, it did *not*
offer the option to shut down or restart -- as it did on the office IIcx.
And nothing worked but the power and programmer's switch. And reboot did
not rebuild the desktop.
The difference? I suspect AutoDoubler. Active on the home machines, never
installed at the office.
Desktop Reset is back. At home anyway.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 03:19:40 GMT
From: Sven Guckes <guckes@math.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: ThoughtPattern 2.0 - List of Supporters
ThoughtPattern 2.0 Fan Group
What is "ThoughtPattern" (TP) ?
TP is best described as an "organizer tool" by Bananafish Software.
[Anyone still got the upload announcement or a readme?]
It appeared to be a very promising (shareware?) program to many who have
seen the demo.
The last version that shipped (version 1.3)
promised a free upgrade to registered users.
People have been waiting ever since for "ThoughtPattern 2.0" (TP2).
Unfortunately, the project was dropped.
An "official" note appeared in "TidBITS#173/19-Apr-93":
> **ThoughtPattern Discontinued** -- Stephen Zagerman of Bananafish
> Software announced that the company has suspended all marketing
> and technical support for ThoughtPattern and is searching for a
> U.S. publisher. ThoughtPattern is an excellent free-form database
> that I use extensively to store bits of text from the net. We wish
> them luck in finding a new publisher. Bananafish Software --
> 415/929-8135 -- bananafish@aol.com
Those who were looking forward to the update have now formed a fan list.
This list is to show how big the ineterest is in this particlar software.
All emembers on this list have expressed their hope for this product to
be continued.
The big question that remains is:
Who will write TP2?
Sven :)
Thanks to all who have responded and encouraged me to continue this list!
If you want to show your support for TP2
then you can have your name on this list by sending me an email.
You can make maintenance more easy on me by sending me your entry
in the format I have used so far.
Currently it is like follows:
"Name TABs <email address>"
Listname: ThoughtPattern 2.0 Fan Group List
Version: 04
Date: 930817 05:45 CET
Fans: 42
Date: 17 Aug 1993 16:10:07 GMT
From: eckman@carson.u.washington.edu (John Eckman)
Subject: Translator for MacWrite Pro (XTND or Word?)
Hi all in netland - this may be an FAQ (or it should be!)
I'm looking for a translator for the spiffy new MacWrite Pro.
The problem is - I don't have it (MW Pro) and I don't think I want
it. I have Word (5.1a) and MacWrite II (don't know the version).
I get documents sometimes from coworkers who went with MacWrite Pro -
I can't read them in either Word or MacWrite (well, I can read them if
I delete all the formatting junk - but I'd like to get cleaner copies)
Surely someone else has done this by now!
I'd prefer a Word style translator - just drop in the Word Commands folder
type. If there is an XTND tranlator though, at least I could open them in
Thanks in advance
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 13:51:07 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tom Dubinski <tdubins@silver.cs.UManitoba.CA>
Subject: Wildcard rename (R)
In Info-Mac Digest V11 #160, bash@helix.nih.gov (Mike Basham) writes...
> Does anyone know of a utility or technique for renaming a bunch of files in
> a Macintosh folder a-la-DOS/UNIX wildcards? Suppose I have a bunch of files
> with the names:
> File1
> And I want to rename them:
> File01
Try BatFiler, available from the info-mac archives as util/bat-filer.hqx.
I just tried it for the first time last week to perform a similar feat, and
found it to be a bit quirky. (Hint: I had to set "Calculate Folder Sizes
for: No Volumes" under Preferences to keep it from choking on me.)
- Tom Dubinski <tdubins@cs.umanitoba.ca>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 12:33:51 -0500
From: alfred!vicstoy!n1mnb.oau.org!brad@osceola.cs.ucf.edu (Brad Ackerman)
Subject: Writing AppleScripts (A)
>Yes, I know that BMUG is working on The Tao of
> AppleScript. Anyone know how I can order this
> NOW?
It's avaliable now--a copy is sitting next to me. Call your favourite
bookstore--it's published by Haden Books.
Brad Ackerman
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 19:19:55 BST
From: Yoram Ney <yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Path: yoram
From: yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk (Yoram Ney)
Subject: Determinning what file a bad block belongs to
X-Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author
alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group.
Organization: The IBM PC User Group, UK.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 18:19:51 GMT
Message-ID: <CBx1L3.Gzw@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Sender: yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk (Yoram Ney)
I'm struggling with a problem which I'm now interested in solving not only for
practical reasons but also 'intelectual' reasons (i.e. the tech side of it):
My FWB HDT Primer (reccommended!!!) has found two adjacent bad blocks on one
my (SyQuest 88mb) disks. It came up with a message during a media test, and I
(unwisely?) chose to reassign those blocks. I got the block numbers in the
log. I would like to recognize the impaired file, the non-explosive way, if
The curiosity part: Is there a way to determine which file those blocks
to before the reassignment?? if not, was there a way to determine *before*
reassigning them? (I remember vaguely something to the effect of each block
containing [in its header??] a pointer to its logical successor, - not
sure - but can a block "know" who its predecessor is, i.e. linked 'backwords
The practical part: is there any disk utility or somesuch that will be able to
help here, like take a block-number and tell which file it belongs to (or its
being deallocated etc.) (Norton Utilities' SpeedDisk does let you wander over
disk's graphic map with a magnifying glass, showing for each block(??) the
file-name this block(???????) is a part of, but doesn't show the
Thanks a lot for any help!!!
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 22:47:28 BST
From: Yoram Ney <yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Path: yoram
From: yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk (Yoram Ney)
Subject: Think C 6.0 release date
X-Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author
alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group.
Organization: The IBM PC User Group, UK.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 21:47:19 GMT
Message-ID: <CBxB6y.7F0@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Sender: yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk (Yoram Ney)
Hi! (a somewhat unusual kind of help actually...) :-(
Does anyone know the exact date Symantec announced the release of Think C
if they did announce it at all. (If they did, is there a PR anywhere to ftp
the PRs from Microsoft?)
If not, when roughly did it start shipping?
Thanks a lot for any help!!!
End of Info-Mac Digest